Hello all-


The Homeless Child Care Program at Child Care Resources is hiring a Project Specialist based in our Tacoma Office.  This position works closely with families living homeless in Pierce County to connect their children to high quality child care and early learning opportunities.  We’re looking for a self-starter with a passion for serving families.  Come work with us or share with your networks!


I have attached the job description. The starting salary is between $45-50 K.  Please feel free to direct any questions directly to me- kaiser@childcare.org.





Katie Kaiser

Homeless Child Care Program Manager

Child Care Resources

1225 S Weller, Suite 300

Seattle, WA 98144

206.329.1011 x 232

509.688.4890 (cell)



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Child Care Resources improves all children’s access to high quality early learning experiences by engaging with families, caregivers, and communities. Embedded in Child Care Resources’ daily work is identifying and addressing racism so that all children thrive in their early learning environment.