Hey there!


I need some advice.


I have a mother that came in with her 25 year old son who is diagnosed schizophrenic. Mom is lost trying to figure out how to best love all her children. One of her other children has a restraining order on the boy and he's got a history of violence, and was previously admitted into Western State.  She said he is receiving about $750/month SSDI and needs somewhere for him to go long term that will properly care for his needs.  She's been put into a difficult spot with this divide in her family.  She said he had also been approved for a group home or something of that nature, and I am currently waiting on the info from the SW to find out more on that process. Taking all this into account, I would like to help the mom get him into a place best equipped for his needs. Anyone know anything about the referral/entry process for Wellfound? Or another suggestion on an avenue to travel to help this boy?? This is outside of my scope of experience given his mental state, age and limited income.  


Stefanie Glover


Outreach Worker

Comprehensive Life Resources

1305 Tacoma Avenue South

Tacoma, WA 98402