Follow the link below for information on 5383, the Tiny House Bill - this is free information.

The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) is a nonprofit organization that helps local governments across Washington State better serve their citizens by providing legal and policy guidance on any topic. At MRSC, we believe the most effective government is a well-informed local government, and as cities, counties, and special purpose districts face rapid changes and significant challenges, we are here to help.

Note:  you can sign up for free email information from MRSC on their website - there are other resources available.  Just check it out.

Here are three upcoming webinars on Housing & Homelessness.  Note - the May 22 is a time conflict with the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance webinar on 5600 - tenant protections.  The links say that if you register for one of the MRSC webinars - cost $35 each - you can access the webinar later.  



Tel:  253-756-8146

3320 S. 8th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405