I believe we are going to try an whip up some fried rice so canned or frozen peas and carrots would be cool as well as some eggs, would be extremely helpful 🙂🙂
Thank you,
Heather Fahsholtz

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From: fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org <fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org> on behalf of Amber E. Beers <abeers@cmhshare.org>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 8:22:45 AM
To: fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org
Subject: Homeless Coalition - Sunday dinners!
We had a successful Sunday again and I'm getting more kids involved as we go along, thank you of course to everyone who makes this happen!! I would like to make some teriyaki chicken next week, so I will be looking for help with veggies to steam, rice and a salad. Any help is much appreciated.
I am organizing a sock/underwear drive and will put more info as I find out more.



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