Greetings everybody!


We are looking for clothing donations for our Clothing Bank at the Sea Mar 11th Street Clinic. In particular we need clothing for men such as jeans, warm shirts, sweaters, jackets, underwear, and socks. We would be happy to pick up or you can drop off donations at the 11th Street Clinic.



Many thanks and Seasons Greetings to all!




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Stuart Bruce Laidlaw

Homeless Case Manager

Sea Mar Community Health Centers

Exceptional service. Every person. Every time.

1307 S 11th Street,  Tacoma, WA | 98405

P 253.682.2188| Ext 75805| Fax 253-387-7014


Connect with us on Description: Description: Description: cid:image002.png@01CF3C7B.EB0BB250 & Description: Description: Description: cid:image003.png@01CF3C7B.EB0BB250