Hi Christina,

No, the freezing nights program is not running in Puyallup this winter. The best shelter resources can be found on the Coalition website: https://pchomeless.org/Facilities/Shelters

If he hasn’t already done so, he could also do an in-person Coordinated Entry interview at one of the sites listed here: https://pchomeless.org/Facilities/Openings


Rob Huff
Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness

On Dec 4, 2023, at 1:00 PM, Garcia, Christina (via fullcoalition list) <fullcoalition@list.pchomeless.org> wrote:

Good afternoon team,
Is the freezing nights program in Pierce County in operation this year? We are working with a homeless male (no kiddos) who will have income beginning next Wednesday. We are trying to offer resources in the meantime for him. 
Thank you,
Christina Garcia, MPH
HealthHomes Supervisor
New Office Hours M-T-Th-F  7 am – 5:30 pm. For urgent issues on Wednesdays, please emailAngela.Randazzo@molinahealthcare.com

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